Saturday, July 2, 2016

Benefits of Enhanced Longevity.

 Enhanced Longevity:
Harnessing s remarkable whole-fruit properties, that Enhanced Longevity gives your body what no other supplement can. In addition, it delivers its nutrient-rich to your body,and safe for all ages.
Because it is made from 100% pure Organic Blends of the best super fruit from around the world. Enhanced Longevity is filled with biologically active compounds and phytonutrients—including xanthones, catechism, flavonoids and proanthocyanidins—to support respiratory health, immune health, intestinal health and joint health and Longevity .
No artificial flavors. No artificial colors. No added sweeteners.
·         Supports cardiovascular health*
·         Supports cartilage and joint function*
·         Maintains intestinal health*
·         Promotes a healthy seasonal respiratory system*
·         Promotes a healthy metabolism*
·         Supports the immune system*
·         Neutralizes free radicals*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any

all-natural energy boost and competitive edge

Jump Start All Natural Energy.
 (Super) Natural Boost

most energy supplements are loaded with excessive amounts of caffeine and sweeteners, causing your body to rev up with energy and crash a few hours later. Feeling jittery and unfocused leaves your body craving more sugar and stimulants.

More than just an energy capsule Jump Start All Natural energy offers a combination of natural ingredients that work synergistically to deliver the energy, focus, and hydration you need to enhance your performance. It is a sustained boost, without a crash.

Ingredience for Energy

Jump Start All Natural Energy gives you an all-natural energy boost and competitive edge.  We Blends Our 100% pure Organic super fruits of five special super fruits from around the world. AcaiBerry, Goji Berry, Red & black berries, Macha Powder then finish it off with a
 mangosteen boost. It is everything you need to get out and get active.
At a recommended dosage of just three capsules a day. Jump Start All Natural Energy has been shown to:

  • Boost energy levels and reduce fatigue*
  • Promote vigor through mental and physical stamina*
  • Improve coping abilities while stressed*
  • Enhance mood and a feeling of well-being*
  • Restore concentration and mental alertness*
  • Maintain metabolic balance*

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Stay healthy and Happy with these 12 super fruits

It should be noted that, like any new ingredients, reputable companies would not bring new items to market without thoroughly examining its health and market potential. Levin explains what NOW Foods does before bringing something new to market: “It takes NOW Foods several months to move from product concept to finished product. This extensive process ensures that we are careful to assess the sales potential before introducing a new product. It also raises the bar for introducing any product, due to the internal costs involved in this process. NOW has a new products committee that consists of our R&D, marketing and sales managers, myself and two other company nutritionists, a retailer (though several of us have extensive retail experience) and an M.D. We assess the market and the science behind supplier claims. We poll retailers and look at sales reports and competitive products already on the market.”
Retailers, too, should be able to distinguish between a true up-and-coming superfruit staple and one that will be gone tomorrow. Doing so involves evaluating whether it delivers a true and meaningful benefit to the consumers. Says Kirsten Van Sickle, director of marketing at Zola Brazilian Superfruits, “The consumer will see through hype, and a fad will die; if it delivers a meaningful benefit, the consumer may choose to adopt it as part of their daily food and drink repertoire.”
Sometimes, this task means delving into the relevant research on a new superfruit. “There have been a couple of ‘superfruits’ in the past that have been marketed directly to the consumer with claims of being effective for almost everything under the sun. Noni and açaí do have scientific merit as sound antioxidants, but unscrupulous marketers have blown them way out of proportion,” says Mosca of PNI, noting that his company supports retailers trying to separate fact from fiction with new research behind its superfruits.
Adds Noah Herron, marketing coordinator for Verdure Sciences, Noblesville, IN, “Research will help show the history of the fruit, possible health benefits and studies that have been performed. Using this information and predicting the future needs of consumers can help identify possible superfruits that are here to stay.”
Bruno agrees, stressing the point that anecdotal information isn’t enough to support benefits. “It’s fine to say that some superfruit has been used by some indigenous societies for generations, but let’s be fair. We could say the same thing about our consumption of apples or oranges. The real question is what are the benefits of the superfruit beyond providing a source of some basic vitamins and/or minerals?” As previously mentioned, companies evaluating whether to formulate a new superfruit often study the ORAC value as well as any supporting literature that assesses the health value of a particular ingredient. “We suggest that retailers take a similar approach and request literature from their dietary supplement companies that explains what research has been conducted on their superfood products,” says Bruno.Stores can also participate in educational programs about superfruits, such as those offered by Pomology/ Bullwater Health & Fitness. According to Herman, “The growing body of research will separate certain superfruits from trends that do not have science behind them. Through our trainings and store support, we help retailers convey the research related to the various superfruits optimized in our condition-specific formulations.” WF
1.   H. Matsumoto, et al., “Delphinidin-3-Rutinoside Relaxes the Bovine Ciliary Smooth Muscle through Activation of ETB Receptor and NO/cGMP Pathway,” J. Exp. Eye Res. 80, 313–322 (2005).
2.   H. Matsumoto, et al., “Stimulatory Effect of Cyanidin 3-Glycosides on the Regeneration of Rhodopsin,” J. Agri. Food Chem.51 (12), 3560–3563 (2003).
3.   H. Nakaishi, et al., “Effects of Black Currant Anthocyanoside Intake on Dark Adaptation and VDT Work-Induced Transient Refractive Alteration in Healthy Humans,” Alt. Med. Rev. 5 (6), 553–562 (2000).

Published in WholeFoods Magazine, August 2009

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Berries – More than a pretty antioxidant

Berries – More than a pretty antioxidant

When I first mention in conversation that I am writing about how certain foods work against cancer, a common response is, “Oh yes … antioxidants.”  Everyone seems to know the word and that we need plenty of them to be healthy. I then point out that there are many other ways in which plants fight cancer. Antioxidants are important but they are not the only factor.
Oxygen and antioxidants
Oxygen is very reactive, and its reactions produce “reactive oxygen species”, including “free radicals”. These can cause damage to cells and DNA. Oxidative damage to DNA can cause cancer. Plants are rich in antioxidants to protect themselves from the by-products of photosynthesis. When we eat plants, the ingested antioxidants aid our internal systems, too.
Other components that block cancer
Perhaps the best known antioxidants in food are vitamin C and beta-carotene, but another favourite is ellagic acid in blueberries. These all directly mop up or “scavenge” the dangerous free radicals. However, there are a number of other elements in berries which work against cancer including anthocyanins, pterostilbene, quercetin, carotenes, and selenium.
The fact that other anticancer mechanisms are at work has been shown by comparing the effectiveness of vitamin C (an antioxidant) with raspberries. The raspberries were used at a concentration where they had less antioxidant power than the vitamin C, and still the raspberries were more effective than vitamin C against cancer cells. This demonstrates that there is more than just antioxidation going on. In other words, there are other components in raspberries that are blocking cancer (although the antioxidation helps too). Plants contain a variety of phytochemicals with very specific actions. If it was only the antioxidant power that mattered, you could just “dial up” a certain amount of antioxidants in your diet, such as deciding to always eat six prunes for breakfast. On the contrary, we should eat a wide variety and good quantity of other fruit and vegetables to receive exposure to as many potentially helpful nutrients as possible.
Berries can correct dysfunctional genes, block cell growth, induce apoptosis (programmed cell death of abnormal cells), inhibit angiogenesis (cancer blood vessel growth), and suppress cancer-inducing inflammation.
Berries that have been studied
Berries that have been studied for their anticancer properties include raspberries (black and red), blackberries, blueberries, cranberries,strawberries, and elderberries.
Interestingly, the less popular berries are actually more nutritious. For example, black raspberries are more seedy and less juicy than blackberries and are therefore less popular. However, the black raspberries contain more anthocyanins (as displayed by the darker skin) and probably more ellagic acid (being more seedy), and will be more effective in blocking cancer. In general, much has been lost in the process of selective farming which favours appearance, texture and sweetness over nutrition.
Ellagic acid is found mainly in the pulp and seeds of the berry. There is only a little in the juice. So don’t just rely on drinking juice!

“Super All Pure Organic Blends “

 Botanical Wonders Line of Branded  Super Products.
                       “Super All Pure Organic Blends “ 
1) Enhanced Long verity- combination of eight super
2) Jump Start All Natural Energy-- combination of   five best super fruits  
3) Everlasting Beauty--- combination of five super fruits
4) Berries Brain Power brainpower combination of 10 different Berries
5) Ultra Max--- combination of nine top ingredients
6) Berries for a super life:  combination of 12 different berries   all
7) Super Anti oxidant:“Super All Pure Organic Blends “ combination of 10 of the best anti oxidant super fruit.
8) Super Immune system –combination of 15 best super fruits 
9) Healing power of super fruits   combination of 8 super fruits

10) Super Fruitarian   combination of 7 super fruits

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Most Men Portray The need for Male Enhancement Pills

 Most Men Portray the NEED for Male Enhancement Pills
 Are men less satisfied with their sizes because of what’s perceived normal? Yes, they are. There could also be genuine caring men using male enhancement pills for the satisfaction of their partners and not just themselves. People know what feels good to them and if you’re so small to the point where you can’t be felt then male enhancement pills would be ideal.
 Sway from the notion that a majority of the pills contain harmful ingredients. That’s not true. While there are some unhealthy products out there and most have been recalled, there are still healthy male enhancement pills on the market which also provide healthy ingredients overall good for the body. Every man will tell you a different story of why more men are taking sexual enhancement pills and it’s in the best of character not to be judgmental.
 If there were something on your body that you were unsatisfied with, wouldn’t you try to change it? If you answered that question with a no, you’re probably not being a 100% truthful. Male enhancement pills can be purchased from stores but most men see the better option of purchasing online and having them shipped in discreet packaging. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be bigger and perhaps it is better for most. If being able to better satisfy others by use of male enhancement pills works for you, by all means that’s your business to use them.
 Recent figures have shown that the average sexual experience will last for fourteen minutes if you are falling below this, or even matching it, there is a massive room for improvement.

CAN THE HUMAN LIFESPAN REACH 1,000 YEARS -SOME EXPERTS SAY "YES Cambridge University geneticist Aubrey de Grey has famously stated, “The first person to live to be 1,000 years old is certainly alive today …whether they realize it or not, barring accidents and suicide, most people now 40 years or younger can expect to live for centuries.”
Perhaps de Gray is way too optimistic, but plenty of others have joined the search for a virtual fountain of youth. In fact, a growing number of scientists, doctors, geneticists and nanotech experts—many with impeccable academic credentials—are insisting that there is no hard reason why aging can’t be dramatically slowed or prevented altogether. Not only is it theoretically possible, they argue, but a scientifically achievable goal that can and should be reached in time to benefit those alive today.
“I am working on immortality,” says Michael Rose, a professor of evolutionary biology at the University of California, Irvine, who has achieved breakthrough results extending the lives of fruit flies. “Twenty years ago the idea of postponing aging, let alone reversing it, was weird and off-the-wall. Today there are good reasons for thinking it is fundamentally possible.”
Even the US government finds the field sufficiently promising to fund some of the research. Federal funding for “the biology of aging”, excluding work on aging-specific diseases like heart failure and cancer – has been running at about $2.4 billion a year, according to the National Institute of Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health.
So far, the most intriguing results have been spawned by the genetics labs of bigger universities, where anti-aging scientists have found ways to extend live spans of a range of organisms—including mammals. But genetic research is not the only field that may hold the key to eternity.
“There are many, many different components of aging and we are chipping away at all of them,” said Robert Freitas at the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing, a non-profit, nanotech group in Palo Alto, California. “It will take time and, if you put it in terms of the big developments of modern technology, say the telephone, we are still about 10 years off from Alexander Graham Bell shouting to his assistant through that first device. Still, in the near future, say the next two to four decades, the disease of aging will be cured.”
But not everyone thinks aging can or should be cured. Some say that humans weren’t meant to live forever, regardless of whether or not we actually can.
“I just don't think [immortality] is possible,” says Sherwin Nuland, a professor of surgery at the Yale School of Medicine. “Aubrey and the others who talk of greatly extending lifespan are oversimplifying the science and just don't understand the magnitude of the task. His plan will not succeed. Were it to do so, it would undermine what it means to be human.”
It’s interesting that Nuland first says he doesn’t think it will work but then adds that if it does, it will undermine humanity. So, which is it? Is it impossible, or are the skeptics just hoping it is?
After all, we already have overpopulation, global warming, limited resources and other issues to deal with, so why compound the problem by adding immortality into the mix.
But anti-aging enthusiasts argue that as our perspectives change and science and technology advance exponentially, new solutions will emerge. Space colonization, for example, along with dramatically improved resource management, could resolve the concerns associated with long life. They reason that if the Universe goes on seemingly forever—much of it presumably unused—why not populate it?